Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Images of Labsky

The purpose of this report is to find out what Labschool Kebayoran's students do after school. I've interviewed 20 students in Labschool Kebayoran to get the information. I asked about what they usually do after school, stay late at school, go home, or go to another places.

Fifty percents said that they usually stay late at school because they prefer to hang around with friends. It's a usual result regarding so many things we can do around Labschool Kebayoran. Students can go to the foods and drinks stores nearby or just having a free time inside school that much interesting rather than go home directly. Because just twenty percents of them that go home directly.

The rest of them are going to another places. Sometimes they go to shopping center or go to the places for taking after school lesson. So most of Labschol Kebayoran's students prefer stay late at school than go home directly or go to another places. Don't be surprised if there's so many students in Labschool Kebayoran after school.

Kallista Alsadila XD

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